MVA Car vs Motorcycle
By Member Danny Beauvais
December 17, 2014

Shepherds Fire along with Engine 4 were dispatched to a reported MVA motorcyclist struck by a car at the intersection of Statesville hwy @ Charlotte hwy. Mooresville Battatlion 1 (Robinson) was the first unit to arrive on location seconds after the initial dispatch. With Shepherds units (E1 & E3) out of position due to clearing a previous run on I-77 (Vehicle Fire) volunteer personnel brought Shepherds Rescue 5 on location moments after Battalion 1 and began pt care. Due to the severity and damage sustained Med Center Air was contacted immediately. Shepherds Captain 550 (J.Craver) was assigned LZ supervisor which would be located behind Shepherds Station 1 in the field. Mooresville Engine 1 was a lot closer in proximity to the scene then Engine 4. Once E1 arrived personnel assisted with providing additional manpower for pt care. Upon arrival of EMS care was transferred and the pt was packaged and loaded quickly for transport to the LZ. Upon arrival of Med Center Air care was transferred to them as the LZ scene was terminated with one pt en-route to Charlotte. Back at the scene units and personnel awaited for the arrival of local law enforcement and the next 2 rotational wrecker services. After cleanup command was terminated and both Shepherds and Mooresville fire units were back in normal service within the hour.

Units: SVFD: R5, E3 & E1 (Went to the LZ)
Mutual Aid: MFD: Batt 1 & E1