First Due Possible House Fire
By Asst. Chief Danny Beauvais
October 15, 2014

@ 18:43hrs Shepherds along with Mooresville E4, E5 (RIT) & South Iredell were alerted to a reported possible house fire around the 200 block of Shinnville Rd. Moments after dispatch Mooresville Batt 1 (Thompson- Acting Batt Chief), Engine 4 and Chief 515 (Beauvais) were all responding. Chief 515 arrived on location in a little over 2 minutes on a single story residential brick structure with nothing evident establishing Shinville Rd command. After a quick investigation command found a small grease fire on the stove with a moderate smoke condition ensuing. Engine 4 led by Capt Puett arrived on location first and were told to bring in the can to extinguish the small fire. Engine 4's driver setup the PPV fan in front of the residence to remove the smoke. Shepherds Engine 1 arrived next and assisted Engine 4 with smoke removal and a little mop-up. Command held the scene to 3 units and cancelled any further as they could handle. The homeowner was very appreciative of a quick response from both agencies. Shepherds would like to extend a big Atta-Boy! to Engine 4 C-Shift for cleaning up the stove for the homeowner so that they could use same again. It's all about customer service and taking care of the citizens we serve to protect.

Units: SVFD: E1 & T2 MFD: E4, E5 (Cancelled) & Batt 1, SIFD: Engine Co.