Shepherds Receives A Welcoming Surprise
By Asst. Chief Danny Beauvais
September 11, 2014

Shepherds Fire-Rescue members were advised by Chief Robinson that a special guest was going to come and visit the men around 18:00hrs this evening. Certain members were especially called to come by the station to receive this welcoming surprise. As members gathered friends & family of the guest were in attendance to witness this special event. And at 18:05 the members in attendance were greeted with praise and thanks from a patient they had rescued (via extrication) along with Mooresville Engine 2 B-Shift from a motor vehicle accident which occurred on 7/31 on River Hwy. It was a great honor to meet and speak to this patient in which we were able to help from an incident. On many occasions after clearing a run members who were on that particular incident receive word from EMS personnel on the condition of a patient and continue with our daily lives but always wonder how their recovery went and if they were dismissed from the hospital. It was especially more memorable seeing how the patient came by to visit us on the 13th anniversary of the World Trade Center and 9/11 attacks. We would like to extend our greatest appreciation to her friends and family of keeping Chief Robinson informed on her progress and even more so with coming by the station to meet the men of Shepherds who were able to assist on getting her out of the vehicle and back home to her family. And in true fashion the special visit was cut short by a call for service to assist Troutman with a possible house fire on West Ave West. Without missing a beat the men loaded in Engine 1 and were out the door. While responding Troutman Engine 1 arrived on location and advised of light smoke showing with a possible working fire. Shepherds arrived on location minutes after and staged at the plug as personnel on board staged near the house awaiting further instruction led by Capt 550 (J.Craver). Troutman units were able to handle as same was the outside meter box which had caught fire. Shepherds was released from the scene but was asked to standby Troutman station 1 for coverage as units remained on location. Shepherds was assignment complete, back in service & back in the first due within the hour.